'Talisman' Performance in Lawrie Shabibi

From Mandy El Sayegh's Solo exhibition 'A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose'

For El-Sayegh, movement has become a means by which the living body is incorporated into her artistic practice. She has worked with collaborative performance for several years, often by interacting with exhibition installations, sound, and projections.

Drawing on a range of sources, including diverse forms of prayer rituals which encompass repetition of chants and motion, and engender trance-like states, the new performance work 'Talisman' is part of El-Sayegh's solo exhbition, 'A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose,' curated by Sara Raza.

Performance co-created with movement artist Chelsea Gordon, and accompanied with sound by Sami El-Enamy.

Filmed by John Gatapia of Seeing Things