Mounir Fatmi participates in his second solo exhibition at ADN Platform, entitled The Index and the Machine which opened on 19 November 2016 and continues until 22 April 2017. The Index and the Machine has been a word association used in Western history for a long time, at least since the Renaissance, the period in which the printing machine originated and the first Index (the list of prohibited books by the Church) was published.
The printing machine radically changed writing, literature and especially culture and became a vehicle for the expansion of multiple ideas. However, the accession of the printing machine also brought censorship and ideological control at its peak.
Fatmi presents four works for the exhibition: Le Paradoxe (2016), Le Silence de St Pierre Martyr (2011), Qui est Joseph Anton (2012) and Le Jongleur (2012). Through these works, the exhibition The Index and The Machine proposes a deep examination of certain topics to which fatmi tries to respond -such as the effects of hegemonic discourses, history, interpretation, memory and identity. Those topics are also present over the whole of his artistic production. Read more.