We are delighted to announce that Driss Ouadahi's award-winning work Unter Uns (2014) has been acquired by the the FRAC Centre, Les Turbulences in Orléans, France. Ouadahi's 2014 work was awarded the Grand Prix Léopold Sédar Senghor Prize at the 12th Biennale of Dakar in 2014 .
Unter Uns is a composition of fragmented images of various“neighborhoods” that Ouadahi has observed, an array of houses found on the outskirts of different cities. It is also a painting of memories, recalling Mohammed Racim's discussion on miniature painting in Algeria, and that of Paul Klee's discussion of architecture put onto canvas.
Between collection and memory, the artist positions his work in two other ways: one, with a philosophy of absence. In Ouadahi’s painting, there are no human representations. Secondly, a grid is painted in the foreground that further distances the viewer from the architecural background, emphasizing the idea of urban alienation that the artist continues to explore.