Taus Makhacheva and Shahpour Pouyan have been awarded the Civitella Ranieri Fellowship for Visual Arts. Fellowships are awarded to candidates that have been nominated by a jury of distinguished artists, academics and critics.
Following their nomination, candidates are selected by a review jury that ensures access to a diverse group of emerging and accomplished artists, composers and writers from around the world. Recidencies are held between June - December, Makhacheva's residency will begin on the 22nd of September and will run until the 2nd of November, 2016. Pouyan's residency will begin on the 16th of June and runs until the 25th of July, 2016
Situated in Umbria, Italy the Civitella Ranieri Foundation opens the doors of its 15th century castle annually for four six-week residency sessions of self-directed studio and work time. The residency brings together international artists, composers, and writers and invited Director's Guests to foster a robust contemporary dialogue that transcends disciplines and geography. Read more